Never Gonna Fall in Love Again / 에릭 칼맨 노래
1976년에 영국가수 에릭 칼맨이 부른 히트곡 Never Gonna Fall in Love Again이다 이곡은 라흐마니노프의 <교향곡 제2번>으로부터 멜로디를 따다가 자신의 노래에 삽입해서 편곡한 곡으로 멜로디가 무척 감미롭고 친밀감이 느껴지는 곡이다 에릭 칼멘은 <교향곡 제2번>의 3악장을 이 노래의 후렴에다 붙였다고 하며 그의 다른 히트곡 "All By Myself"도 역시 교향곡의 멜로디를 붙여 편곡한 곡으로 두 곡 모두 70년대 중반 대표적인 히트곡이 되었다 에릭 칼맨은 어렸을 적 클래식음악을 공부하였는데 방향을 틀어 대중적인 음악을 작곡하게 되었다고 한다
Never gonna fall in love again
I don't wanna start with someone new
'Cause I couldn't bear to see it end
Just like me and you
No use pretending that things can still be all right
There isn't much more I can say
I'll learn to get along without your kiss good night
Just Close the door and walk away
Never gonna fall in love again
I don't wanna start with someone new
'Cause I couldn't bear to see it end
Just like me and you
No, I never wanna feel the pain
Of remembering how it used to be
Never gonna fall in love again
Just like you and me
At first we thought our love was here it was here to stay
And the summer made it seem so right
But like the sun we watched it fade away
From morning into lonely night
Never gonna fall in love again
I don't wanna start with someone new
'Cause I couldn't bear to see it end
Just like me and you
No, I never wanna feel the pain
Of remembering how it used to be
Never gonna fall in love again
Just like you and me